Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hair Quick Tip

So it’s pretty much a no brainer that the less heat you put on your hair the less damaged it is going to be. That’s where showering at night comes into play. If you take your shower at night you can let your strands air dry without worrying about it taking too long. I know that this can cause some concern for people though. My hair will be so flat! It will be way too unruly and out of control!

These are common concerns and can definitely be problems to contend with when sleeping on wet hair. What I like to do to counteract this is to dry just the roots of my hair and leave the rest wet. This way I have added a bit of volume and dried it enough so that it won’t be a complete mess in the morning. I only spend about three to four minutes max drying my hair. I like to start by blasting the bangs and then flip my head over to get air into all of the roots more easily. Then I flip the hair on each side of my head over and dry with the hair dryer facing upward (this will be towards the ends of your hair since you have flipped it over your head). Then one more quick blast downwards to make sure it all falls in place and I’m done. Then I go to bed and style it in the morning.

I hope this helps someone out there who is never happy with their hair when air-drying. Sure it’s not quite as healthy, but it sure does beat drying your entire head. Have any of you done this before? Did you find it helped?


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